The Hario V60 is one of the most common drip filter methods and it’s also one of the simplest ways to make a great cup of coffee. It is a cone-shaped dripper with spiral ridges along the inner wall and a single, large opening at the bottom.

The design means the filter paper doesn’t stick to the walls of the cone and encourages extraction at the bottom and sides of the filter.
The cone itself can either sit directly over your mug or over a larger receptacle if you are brewing for more than 1 person.
For this method you’re looking for a grind between fine and medium – a bit like sea salt – the image you can see is roughly what you aiming for.
With a drip filter, the hot water is not in contact with the coffee for as long, so you need to offer a greater surface area to ensure the coffee has enough depth and body.
The paper filters you use with a V60 are far finer than the metal gauze in a cafetiere so there is no risk of grinds ending up in your cup.
Next you want to work out your coffee to water ratio. As a rule of thumb we recommend 7g of coffee to 115ml of water, a 1:16 ratio, however this can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences.
So to begin with try for example 30g of coffee with 500ml of water, which would give you two good cups of coffee.
As with any coffee preparation water is a key ingredient in your coffee, so if you can use bottled or filtered water. Like other methods, boil your required amount of water plus a little extra and then let it sit for a minute or two as you want your water at between 92-96C before brewing.
Whilst you’re waiting for your water to come to the boil you can place your cone on the top of the receptacle you are using and tuck in the paper filter. Next you want to wet the filter with some of your hot water. Allow the water to drip through the filter into the receptacle. Not only does this help remove any starchy papery taste but it also warms your cup or dripper jug. Discard this rinse water and then reposition the cone on top of your jug.
Now add your ground coffee to the filter and gently tap to level the surface of the grounds. Use a finger or teaspoon to create a little well or indentation in the centre of the grounds.

You’re going to be adding your water in stages and the best way to keep track of this and the different amounts of water you should be adding is by using a digital scale. So before doing your first water pour, place your dripper or cup together with the V60 filter onto a scale and set it to zero.
Your first pour is to allow the coffee to ‘bloom’. As hot water first hits the grounds, CO2 that was trapped inside the coffee beans is released creating a blooming effect and the grounds rise up and bubble.
Releasing the CO2 trapped in the grounds in this way helps to ensure a better brew as otherwise it can add an unpleasant acidic flavour to your coffee as well as interfere with the extraction process.
So aiming for the central divot you made, start by pouring just enough water to cover and wet the grounds (approx. 100ml) and then let it rest for 30 seconds.
Continue adding the water bit by bit, pouring slowly, starting in the middle and moving in and out in concentric circles without touching the paper filter directly. By distributing the water across the grounds in this way you will be facilitating a more even extraction.
With this next pour, if using the 30g to 500ml recipe, pour until your scale reads 250ml. Allow the coffee to drip and then before the dry grounds are revealed start your third pour, this time adding water until your scale reads 400ml. Finally add the remaining water – to 500ml – and then leave to allow all the water to drain through. You should find that your total brewing time will be between 3 – 4 minutes. Once the water has fully drained, you can discard the paper filter and coffee grounds and then enjoy your fine, full-bodied cup of coffee.