Best Buy Ethiopian Compostable Coffee Pods

Our Best Buy Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee Pods
Our Ethiopian Compostable Coffee Pods are the UK's highest and best-rated Nespresso compatible coffee pod, with floral, sweet & bright flavours and aromas.
A Which? Magazine Best Buy accolade, a 2-Star Great Taste Award and a Great British Food Finalist Award proves just how good our Ethiopian coffee pods taste. Judges' comments include "delivers amazing flavours" and "this complex and characterful coffee has it all!"
Our Ethiopian coffee is grown as a 'garden coffee' in smallholder plots in the world-renowned coffee region of Yirgacheffe. As the first UK roaster to introduce an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe compostable coffee pod in 2017, trust us to elevate your coffee at home.
- Ethically sourced, Speciality grade coffee
- Compostable coffee capsules for Nespresso® Machines
- Profile: Floral, Sweet & Bright
- Strength: 6/12
- Shot Length: Ristretto (25ml) / Espresso (35ml)
Best Buy Ethiopian Compostable Coffee Pods
Find out more
Here's some more information about our pods, our specialty coffees and our ethical coffee sourcing.
'Best Buy' Rated & Great Taste Award
Our Nespresso® compatible plastic free pods are filled with speciality grade coffees from around the world and prove just how good capsule coffee *should* taste. They also contain 10% more coffee than standard Nespresso® capsules.
Don’t take our word for it though as our Ethiopian Yirgacheffe’s bright, sweet and fruity flavours and aromatics have earned it:
Scoring 13/15 by the highly respected and famous judging panel who said "The pods were very easy to use and worked well in the Nespresso® coffee pod machine. The coffee itself was rich and smooth, with a fruity, chocolatey taste. It’s got a nice strength without being overpowering, so is a great all-rounder. It also gave a lovely Carmel-coloured cream!"
Our Ethiopian Yirgacheffe compostable coffee pods have been awarded a ‘Best Buy’ award by Which? magazine, the UK's top consumer magazine
Our plastic free Nespresso®-compatible coffee pods have also won a 2 Star Great Taste Award, with judges saing "it delivers amazing flavours" and “The advance in the quality of coffee pod coffee is well demonstrated in this single origin Ethiopian arabica coffee pod.” Another Great Taste Awards judge commented: "What a truly wonderful citrus and tropical rich coffee bean aroma your coffee has. Along with the fruity acidic sharp bitter notes, this coffee performs the perfect front stage ballet of flavour."
The judges awarded our Ethiopian coffee pods for Nespresso® machines with the Best Tasting Eco Coffee Pod prize. -
Speciality Arabica Coffee Pods
Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, with the terroir of the famous coffee region of Yirgacheffe particularly famous for its floral notes of jasmine, so a true Yirgacheffe is a real treat to savour. Our speciality-graded Arabica coffee is sourced from the village of Yirgacheffe itself, grown as ‘garden coffee’ in small lots at an altitude of between 1700-1900 meters.
Capsule Performance Guaranteed
Compatible with Nespresso® original domestic drop-through coffee machines (excl. Expert), our compostable coffee pods and capsules can be placed in your food waste collection where they will be processed into compost or liquid fertilizer depending on the facilities used by your local council. For more info, visit our "Compostable Coffee Capsule FAQ" page.
Our oxygen-tight capsules also mean our wonderful range of eco capsule coffees will stay fresh for 12 months, but you'll definitely not wait that long to drink them all up.
Our plastic-free coffee capsules perform even better than Aluminium-compatible pods (non-Nespresso®) that are now commonplace, with no water leakage before the coffee begins to extract.
To prove this, the GREAT BRITISH FOOD AWARDS 2022 judging panel confirmed "From a practical standpoint, the pods were very easy to use and worked well in the machine. Sometimes compostable pods go soggy and get stuck in the machine, or add a slightly cardboard taste to the coffee, but we didn’t experience any of these problems." -
Grower Premiums & Charity Donations
Farmed sustainably and in harmony with the environment, the premium we pay our growers for their highest-quality speciality coffee beans allows them to invest in their livelihoods, families and communities. Sip by sip you will also be helping us support water and wildlife projects in our origins that also protect the Abyssinian Blue-Winged Goose, which inspired our whole brand!
General Coffee Pod FAQs
Here are a selection of useful FAQs and coffee pod advice, tips and troubleshooting to help you get the best performance from your Nespresso® machine.
Which Nespresso® machines are your eco capsules compatible with?
Compatible with ‘Traditional Drop Through’ Nespresso® machines, our compostable capsules deliver exceptional speciality coffees each and every brew, without the guilt. So models such as the Nespresso® Pixie machine, the Essenza, CitiZ and Inissia, for example. They are not designed for the new Vertuo machines that Nespresso offer, which take more of a UFO shaped capsule.
Are your capsules best for a ristretto, espresso or lungo?
To fully appreciate all the complex, and intense flavours our capsule coffees deliver, we’d recommend you first drink them without adding any milk, so as black Espresso or Lungo coffees. Shock horror for those who love a milky coffee, but once you try it you’ll soon see why so many people are getting more into their coffee these days as they discover what coffee really should taste like! You see, to achieve a consistent taste many (most!) capsule companies simply dark roast their beans as it’s the only way they can ensure their coffee tastes the same each time. But that means the coffee generally doesn’t taste, well…good.
>> Enjoy an eco-espresso!If you love a good espresso, then try our Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee capsules. Fragrant and clean, you’ll love the subtle notes of fruity spice with hints of chocolate. This espresso is more about enjoying a complex mix of flavours than a bitter, dark hit of coffee.
>> For lungo lovers and milk fans: If you like a long coffee or a good bit of steamed and frothy milk in your coffee, then our Lungo eco pods, or our Swiss Water decaf pods or our Organic Peruvian eco coffee capsulesare for you (although our Ethiopian capsules also taste great with a splash!).Don’t put too much milk in there though, or you’ll mask the more subtle flavours and it’ll be more akin to high street coffee, aka warmed milk hehehe…
Our Peruvian will give a smooth lungo style drink with hints of cocoa. Weird to think you’ll taste all of these flavours in a coffee isn’t it…but that’s what a lighter roast and quality coffee bean will bring to the table, versus overly-roasted beans. Our Swiss Water Decaf coffee capsules will give you a slightly indulgent lungo without the caffeine kick. Whichever you choose, have a lovely guilt-free mug of the good stuff! -
Our 5 top Nespresso® machine cleaning & brewing tips
If you're after bean and ground brewing tips and tricks then our coffee brewing guides cover how to create the perfect mug of coffee each and every time.
New to our eco Nespresso Compatible Pods? Or if you're just wanting to impove your coffee pod taste and brewing then we definitely recommend re-programming & cleaning your Nespresso® machine so visit our Nespresso® compatible pod brewing guide for top tips for creating the perfect mug of Blue Goose eco coffee pods each and every time! -
How to program a Nespresso Machine for the correct ristretto, espresso & lungo volume
This is vital to get the very best Blue Goose cuppa! Your machine comes pre-programmed to deliver a Nespresso-capsule-specific amount of water but our capsules are best enjoyed as a 25ml Ristretto or a 35ml Espresso, so you’ll want to reset your Nespresso® machine as the coffee to water ratio is key to achieving the best possible coffee from our eco capsule range and re-calibrating your Nespresso® is therefore really important. We’d therefore heartily recommend you read our Nespresso® Hints & Tips blog post to set yourself up for wonderful capsule coffee every time!
How should i dispose of your compostable & biodegradable coffee pods & pouches?
Please visit our compostable FAQs page for useful and informative insights, tips and advice on everything you need to know about our compostable and biodegradable coffee products.